South Luangwa is a Zambian registered non-governmental organization
founded in 2003.
CSL is dedicated to protecting South Luangwa, it's wildlife
and habitat through a combination of law enforcement support (anti-poaching),
human wildlife conflict mitigation, veterinary work and community outreach.
CSL employs 85 full time and believes conservation will only work if we
engage local Zambians.
conservation projects include anti-poaching support. CSL works in partnership
with the Government Department of National Parks and Wildlife Services
(DNPW) to conduct wide spread anti-poaching patrols in the national park
and game management area. CSL provides a large portion of manpower (65
scouts) for anti-poaching patrols, transport deployments by vehicle and
boats, rations, uniforms, equipment and refresher training.
Each year we support a minimum of 120 anti-poaching field patrols lasting
10 days each, 200 anti-snaring patrols and other rapid reaction responses.
Aerial Surveillance and Monitoring
co-owns a light aircraft with the Zambian Carnivore Program used for aerial
surveillance and monitoring of illegal activities such as carcasses, drying
racks, bush fires, poachers and camps and long term research monitoring
of carnivores. 2
The CSL / ZCP aircraft is a vital tool in
the fight against poaching. Each year over 250 hours are flown on surveillance.
Detection Dog Unit
has five detection dogs who work tirelessly with their eight handlers to
reduce wildlife trafficking and poaching. The dogs are trained to detect
ivory, bush meat, leopard, cheetah and lion skins, pangolin, firearms and
ammunition and protected timber. Their base is in Mfuwe but they operate
throughout Eastern Province.
Working Dogs for Conservation (WD4C) is CSL's partner and provides the dogs,
ongoing training and technical advice.
Wildlife Rescue Unit
employs a joint veterinarian with the Zambian Carnivore program to rescue
wildlife that has been snared or has other human inflicted injuries in
addition to collaring animals for research purposes. Over the past decade
we have immobilized over 150 snared elephants, 30 lions, 10 giraffe, 15
hyaena, 20 wild dogs and many more. In addition we run the only vet clinic
in Mambwe District and Dr Sichande is on hand to attend to domestic animals.
Human Wildlife Conflict Mitigation Work
has a team of wildlife conflict mitigators who job is to assess crop and
property damages in the community, implement mitigation measures such
as chilli blasting elephants, constructing elephant safe grain stores,
growing small scale crops unpalatable to elephants such as chilli, turmeric,
ginger and lemon grass and teaching communities to live alongside elephants.

Donate to the
Conservation South Luangwa.
Make checks payable to "Philanthropic Ventures Foundation
" and note on the "memo" line on the check
"Conservation South Luangwa" or you may put just "CSL"
Mail donations to:
Generosity in Action
c/o Philanthropic Ventures Foundation
1222 Preservation Park Way
Oakland, CA 94612-1201

You can make a donation to the Conservation
South Luangwa via the internet. Click
Once at the PVF Donate Now page click on the "Generosity in
Action" button AND put "Conservation South Luangwa"
or "CSL" in the box "Add a further designation for
your gift." Note: there is a 3% transaction fee to cover credit
card fees, bank fees, and other processing costs.