MaKoleKole Drilling
& Water Solutions - Zambia


UPDATE! March 2017

Since April 2015 we have drilled more than 60 boreholes - more than 40 of which are in remote rural villages where previously people were collecting water from croc infested rivers or having to dig shallow wells risking infection.

We estimate that we and our donors (the largest of which is Bushcamp Company's "Committed to Clean Water" campaign) have provided safe, clean water for life to as many as 8,000 people!

Here in the Luangwa Valley many families still do not have access to safe, clean water. Women in rural villages far from boreholes still collect water from rivers or shallow wells. Collecting water from rivers is potentially dangerous not only because the water is not clean but the risk of injury and death from crocodiles and other wild animals is only too real.
Water from shallow wells is also potentially dangerous. Hand dug wells are usually only 15 or so metres deep and are utilising water from the top of the water table. Not only is this usually contaminated but they often dry up towards the end of the dry season.

One of the most important Millennium Development Goals is access to clean, safe drinking water and the importance of this fundamental concept cannot be over-stated.

Luckily, the solution here in the Luangwa Valley is simple – communal boreholes equipped with sturdy,’ low tech’ hand pumps.

Settlements here usually consist of extended families grouping together into small villages. The water requirements for a settlement like this can be provided for by a properly installed borehole – serving perhaps two to three hundred people.

The exact specifications of the borehole will vary from area to area but as a general rule for the Luangwa Valley, the borehole should be about 30 metres deep. It must be gravel packed and the casing should be polypropylene with perforations from around 25 metres in order to ensure the water is coming from the pure flowing underground streams and aquifers, not the water table.

It is essential to pump-test the borehole to ensure there is ample supply. We have the water tested and the borehole registered and licenced so that it is both legal and in line with Zambian water policy strategy. We aim for a flow of at least 0.5 litres per second. The standard India Mark II hand-pump can pump up to 0.2 litres per second.

We only use genuine India Mark II hand pumps – they provide an excellent and very long-lasting product as well as good after sales back up and access to spare parts.

It is also essential to work alongside Village head-persons and traditional leadership. A borehole committee is always founded in order that the village has ownership and responsibility for the borehole and ensures its maintenance and upkeep.

We are uniquely qualified with our local knowledge of the geography , socio-economics and the many and varied challenges of the Luangwa Valley.

Makolekole Ltd provides a complete borehole service;
* Identifying local needs
* Divining and siting the borehole
* Drilling, casing and gravel packing
* Pump testing
* Water quality testing
* Installation of hand-pump and high quality surface works
* Liaison with local authorities to licence the borehole
* Full reporting throughout the work process
* Support in the creation of the Borehole Committee
* Advice regarding maintenance and upkeep

Each bore hole is indiidually costed depending on location and conditions. Average pice is arounf US $5,850 per bore hole.



Click below for two publications from the Makolekole Drilling Program:

How and Why We Make Borehole Water Wells

Makolekole Water for Life



Donations to the Makolekole Drilling Program will be processed through a relationship with the Chipembele Wildlife Education Trust.



‘Addressing Gender Issues in
Water and Sanitation:

In order for children and families to benefit from clean water and sanitation, water points and sanitation facilities must be accessible. Distance is critical because the shorter the distance to clean water, the more consistently it will be utilised. Furthermore, as fetching water is a task most commonly assigned to girls and women, shortening the distance between households and water supply is essential to reduce the time girls spend in fetching water, which in turn will provide them with more time to attend school.’ UNICEF

Donate to the MaKoleKole Drilling and Water project.
Make check payable to
"Philanthropic Ventures Foundation "

and note on the "memo" line on the check - "Makolekole Drilling."
Mail donations to:
Generosity in Action

c/o Philanthropic Ventures Foundation
1222 Preservation Park Way
Oakland, CA 94612-1201
You can make a donation to the MaKoleKole Drilling and Water project via the internet. Click here.

Once at the Donate page click "Makolekole Drilling Program"
Note: there is a 3% transaction fee to cover credit card fees, bank fees, and other processing costs.

Donations in the US are tax deductible when made payable to Philanthropic Ventures Foundation - PVF is a qualified 5012(c)(3) charity. Canceled checks made payable to PVF are receipt of a donation. Donations over $250 will also receive letter of confirmation from PVF. Donations over the internet will receive a confirming receipt/email from Network for Good.

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