Malimba Community School Fund
Malimba Community School is loacted in the Luangwa Valley
in Zambia and is a community project that is overseen
by Tribal textiles as well as Adrian and Christine Carr.
Generosity in Action has worked with Adrian and Christina
Carr in their capacity with Norman Carr Safaris for
a number of years and are very pleased to assist their
efforts to support the Malimba School.
It has been a busy and successful year at Malimba Community
School - although frustrating at times. One of the main
medium-term goals was to have the school formally adopted
into the government education system for which there
is a daunting list of requirements! The most important
is that the buildings must meet the specific government
standard or face the risk of being condemned and our
initial building plan for the teacher's house based
on available funds did not meet these specifications.
These are pictures of some of the construction that
is taking place.
A significant part of the School Fund
has been the construction of a new 1 x 3 classroom which
will make an enormous difference to the lives of those
in the village; however they still need to furnish the
classrooms with desks, chairs, blackboards and the ever-needed
pens, paper, pencils etc. They are hoping to be able
to basic needs such as poster paints, brushes and paper
so that the children can unleash their creative talents!
Art development is something that is sadly lacking in
most local school due to lack of resources.
new school committee was formed and the building was
initially delayed whilst they met together with the
chief to discus the way forward.
The School Committee
Back Row - Ruth Jere (member), Kenan Banda (Treasurer),
Justin Kalongo (Chairman), Mulephere Njovu (member)
Front Row - James Banda (member), Francis Chulu (Secretary),
Mary Mbewe (member)