South Luangwa has a beauty and magic all of its own
but it can be a harsh and unforgiving place, especially
for the local people. There are no natural resources,
such as copper, in the area and little employment apart
from tourism. The vast majority of local people are
subsistence farmers and have an income below the international
poverty line.
Project Luangwa is a charitable organization which
aims to help the local community in and around South
Luangwa improve their economic prospects through developing
schools; supporting girls and women by encouraging both
self-esteem and self-reliance; providing training facilities
and helping to get more kids into school through sponsorship.
We are not a quick-fix organisation and look for long
term sustainable solutions that give a hand-up rather
than a hand-out.
The charity was formed in 2009 and is supported by
five safari operators in the Luangwa Valley as part
of their commitment to helping the local communities.
Many lodges give a small percentage of the amount an
individual guest pays each night to community projects
and conservation - and the lodges who are members of
Project Luangwa pass their funds to us. This covers
our administration costs and so we are very proud to
say that we can guarantee that 100% of all donations
are used to directly support your chosen project.
Project Luangwa is run by locals who live and work
within the Mfuwe community.
There are over 25 schools in the area surrounding
Mfuwe but just two are secondary schools. Teachers
struggle with few resources and often there is
just one textbook for the whole class.
Too few classrooms coupled with an inadequate
number of teachers means that it is not unusual
to see up to 100 kids in a class and many will
be sitting on the floor due to a lack of desks
and chairs. But these are the lucky ones; primary
schooling is free but at secondary level there
are far too few places and many parents cannot
afford school fees, uniform or even exercise books.
Due to HIV/Aids and other diseases we have a
large number of orphans in the area. At one small
community school 210 of the 318 pupils are double
Fewer girls attend school than boys and often
do not achieve their potential. This may be due
to tradition and culture, sexual abuse, teenage
pregnancy, early marriage low expectations and
self-esteem or just because they have more home
chores to do than boys. Often by the time they
have finished it is too dark to study or do homework
and many families cannot afford candles.

The Kawaza School was the initial Project Luangwa
program supported by Generosity in Action. Donations
for the Kawaza School are managed by Project Luangwa.
Build new classrooms, libraries, and science blocks
Renovate old classrooms
Build and refurbish teachers' accommodation
Provide desks and chairs
Donate teaching aids and text books
Fund additional teachers at community schools
Build and support community Schools
Sink bore holes
Provide toilet facilities
Fund the training of new teachers
Plant trees at schools
Give out solar lights to day pupils so they can study
in the evenings
Arrange pupil sponsorship to school and students to
college and university
Promote conservation education
Help girls with social issues, run Girls' Days, provide
bras and help with sanitary wear
Encourage better literacy with a Literacy and Reading
Donate books for libraries
Donate wheelchairs and help with medical issues
Provide hope for the future
more information visit the Project Luangwa website.
Click here for Newsletter
from Project Luangwa
Sending a donation - One of the best ways to help is
by sending a donation. This is probably the most effective
thing you can do as it allows us to develop schools,
buy text books, provide teachers and so on. Remember
we spend 100% of your donation on your chosen project.
However there are lots of other ways visitors help:
Pupil sponsorship -
Sending/bringing books for our libraries -
Bring-a-Bra -
School stationery -
Volunteer -
Visit our website: www.ProjectLuangwa.org
Website: www.projectluangwa.org
Call at the office:
Chinzombo (ZAWA offices), Mfuwe
Post: PO Box 27, Mfuwe
Email: CEO -
Ian Macallan
Telephone: 00260 (0) 216 246 265 / 00260 (0) 974250152
Donate to the Project
Make checks payable to "Philanthropic Ventures
Foundation " and note on the "memo"
line on the check - "Project Luangwa."
Mail donations to:
Philanthropic Ventures Foundation
1222 Preservation Park Way
Oakland, CA 94612-1201

You can make a donation to Project
Luangwa via the internet
Once at Generosity in Action Donate page click on "Project
Luangwa." Note: there is a 3% transaction fee to
cover credit card fees, bank fees, and other processing